"The depository of a spiritual culture of the region" - this is how Dnipropetrovsk regional scientific library is called, one of the oldest Ukrainian libraries.
The date May 9(22), 1834 became a prominent and unforgettable day in the history of the region - a province public library was opened in the building of the House of Nobles in Yekaterinoslav. Opening of the public library in Yekaterinoslav was the first significant contribution to a cultural life of the young province town, which by that time had not even had either its own newspaper, or a bookshop, not to mention permanent theatre or scientific society.
Today the regional library is among the largest ones of the type in Ukraine by its book fund. By 1.01.02 the fund amounts 2,842 thousand issues.It includes:
- rare books from XVII-XVIII centuries;
- patent and technical documentation (since 1924 - on micro-bearers, since 1957 - on paper bearers, since 1998 - on CD);
- foreign literature in 79 languages of the world;
- local lore collections, with in D.Yavornitskyi's, Y. Novickyi's lifetime issues among them;
- the most complete fund of literature about Ukraine in the region;
- an obligatory copy of publications in Russian, as well as a copy of all local editions;
- wide range of periodicals (over 1,5 thousand titles) for the last 55 years.
Today the main goal of the library is to form, preserve and use effectively its book fund, which in its turn, furthers the development of economic, education, culture of Ukraine, enriches the people intellectually and morally, promotes spiritual advance of each person.
Since 1992 an electronic catalogue has been being run in the library; it has been created an automated library information system with access to Internet.
Nowadays Dnipropetrovsk regional scientific library is not only numerous book collection, but also an electronic archive of a kind, which provides access to information both on film and paper bearers, and in electronic form.
The library kindly opens the doors to its guests. The Constitutional right to obtaining information is guaranteed by the library informational service system directed toward the most comprehensive satisfying the informational needs of the readers.
On the site of DRSL you can find information about the structure, regulation of the library, the work of its departments and club activity. You also have a possibility to carry out on-line searches in the catalogues and card indexes and to look through materials about history and the present day of Dnipropetrovsk region.
Dnipropetrovsk regional scientific library
10, Yu. Savchenko Str.,
Tel./fax: 423119
E-mail: library@libr.dp.ua